Perfect Creamy Homemade Coconut Milk

I think coconut is amazing. I love coconut oil, I love coconut cream pie, but I also love coconut milk. I’ve been using coconut milk for about 4 months now. At first, I was a little leery of all the non-dairy milks out there like rice milk, almond milk, soy milk, and coconut milk. But slowly, we tried all of them—all except the soy milk. But my favorite out of all of the four, my favorite was, is, and will forever more be coconut milk. I love the flavor, the creaminess, but I was a little sad about how much I paid for a carton or two of it a week. So I figured it was about time that I attempt to make my own. Luckily, there was no shortage of information, recipes, and videos on making homemade coconut milk. So, I prepared myself to go on another adventure in my little kitchen—making my own homemade milk.

Perfect Creamy Homemade Coconut Milk | Natural Chow

Why Homemade Coconut Milk?

Believe it or not, it’s actually pretty easy to make your own coconut milk. The process is very simple, the kids can help out, and you end up with delicious tasting, high-quality coconut milk. With only two simple ingredients, there’s no reason to go back to the store-bought cans of coconut milk ever again. The cans you buy at the store usually contain guar gum, too.

Recipes Using Coconut Milk:

Turkey Red Thai Curry from Grassfed Mama

Simple Baked Custard from Restored Roots


Here’s another recipe for coconut milk that I like: 

Dairy Alternative: Homemade Coconut Milk from Don’t Waste the Crumbs

Perfect Creamy Homemade Coconut Milk | Natural Chow

Here’s the recipe:

Perfect Creamy Homemade Coconut Milk
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Creamy, rich non-dairy milk. Makes 2½ cups.
  • 2 cups organic unsweetened dried shredded coconut
  • 3½ cups hot water
  1. Place the shredded coconut and hot water in a blender. Blend the water and shredded coconut for 5 minutes. Let the coconut shreds steep in the hot water for 15 minutes.
  2. Using a sieve lined with cheese cloth over a glass bowl, strain the coconut mixture. Allow to strain for thirty minutes, then squeeze the coconut pulp out to get every last drop of coconut milk out.
  3. Pour into a glass jar and store in the fridge up to a week.

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  1. dontwastethecrumbs says

    Thanks for sharing my coconut milk recipe Margaret! Your version sounds rich and creamy – yum!! Have a blessed day!

  2. says

    I love everything coconut too, especially since I can’t have dairy. This looks so easy. I’m going to have to try making my own coconut milk, instead of buying the cans. Thanks for sharing my baked custard recipe Margaret!

  3. says

    Hi Margaret Anne,
    I too love to make my own coconut milk. I like to add a few soaked dates to my coconut milk as well as nutmeg or vanilla. I often blend fresh berries with my coconut milk as well. It is so refreshing. I am so delighted that you shared this quick and easy coconut milk recipe with us at the the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop! We appreciate it!

    • says

      Hi Amanda! I love adding leftover coconut pulp to muffins, cookies, and granola. As you can see, it can be used in a variety of ways. I like to keep leftover coconut pulp in the refrigerator until ready to use (and it usually lasts about a week). I hope this helps Amanda!

  4. says

    Why hadnt i thought of that!. I am in love with coconut everything too. I have been using it to make icecream with but not really happy with the can option I will try this ! i have plenty of coocnut in the cupboard. Thanks for sharing! found you via Say G’day with NatashafromOz !
    now following you on pinterest and G+

  5. says

    Like you, I was a little leery of non-dairy milks at first, though I absolutely love them now. However, I’ve never made my own before, and this post inspires me to give it a try! If nothing else, I bet it would be a delicious adventure!

    This was one of my favorite links from last week’s #thatsfreshfriday link-up! I’ll be sharing it on my blog and social media channels starting at 7pm EST Thursday evening and going throughout the weekend! Can’t wait to see what you bring to the party this week. Keep up the great work!


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