Search Results for: pumpkin muffins

Menu Plan // February 2014

Menu Plan // February 2014

I recently found a post via Pinterest that was about shopping before planning. So, of course I was confused. Shopping before planning? That can’t be right. How can someone shop and then plan?

It didn’t make any sense to me, so I commented on the pin asking the publisher how this could be effective. Because, honestly, how? If you don’t have a plan before you go shopping you could overspend and also not have everything you need for meals during the week.

But Andrea explained that if you are going to shop ahead of planning, the you are totally free to explore the various bargains that might be found within the sales ads for that week. When you plan first, the circulars are generally reactive rather than proactive. But you see, my dear friends, you can more likely than not view the circulars on the stores website. It’s simple and can save you a headache later.

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30 Recipes to Revamp Your Breakfast {The Real Food Way}

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? So, why not treat it as such? It’s not like it’s complicated to make a delicious and quick real food breakfast that everyone can enjoy. Anyone can do it, as long as they aspire to make breakfast something special. In case you haven’t noticed, breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day to me, but it’s definitely my favorite. I don’t mind waking up at 5 o’ clock in the morning to make an delicious and healthy breakfast that I know will be super amazing! Nor do I mind starting something a day or two ahead of time. In fact, I’d rather do both of those things if it meant my family wouldn’t be eating Captain Crunch or Poptarts.

30 Real Food Recipes

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Fluffy Whole Wheat Waffles

The easiest, most flavorful whole wheat waffles EVER! Naturally sweetened with maple syrup, these waffles will blow you away with how light and fluffy they are.

Fluffy Whole Wheat Waffles | Natural Chow #breakfast #recipe #healthy

I’ve found that when it comes to pancakes, I like to create all kinds of flavor combinations and add in all sorts of things, from chocolate chips to cranberries to pumpkin puree.

But ask me to make waffles and I’ll almost always give you a basic, yet perfectly fluffy, waffle. I like to keep things elementary like that.

However, I tend to have a problem that involves waffle makers and gravity. You see, sometimes you can’t help but trip over the door jam and let the waffle maker fly. 

I’m telling you, sometimes it just can’t be prevented. 

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40 Healthy Easy Snacks {for kids and adults!}

40 snacks pic

When we’re hungry and you just don’t know what to eat, we tend to eat mass amounts of foods that aren’t necessarily good for you. That’s why it’s good to have a list on hand of easy, healthy snacks that, with preparation, can be put together in a snap.

Eating real food as a snack is an great way to boost your child’s diet. After a while of choosing item’s off of the list, you can usually narrow them down to about 15 that your family agrees are their favorites. Once at that point, you can still throw in a few surprises along the way, just to try again for maybe snacks that could be healthier than their favorites.

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