Slow Cooker Black Bean and Lentil Soup

Slow Cooker Black Bean and Lentil Soup | Natural Chow |

I’m kickin’ into full fall mode. The shift from summer food to fall food was an easy one for me, partly due to the fact that I love the heck out of every soup known to man. 

So to start out the season right (even though it’s still 83 degrees outside), today I’m sharing with you one of my favorite soup recipes. It’s really easy to make because all you have to do is toss a bunch of ingredients in a slow cooker and walk away. Does this scream “best dinner in the world” to anyone else?

Slow Cooker Black Bean and Lentil Soup | Natural Chow |

If you like chili, you will love this black bean and lentil soup. It tastes almost exactly like traditional chili, but it’s 100% meat free and is a great way to sneak in veggies to the picky eaters in your house.

You may or may not know this, but I despise cooked tomatoes. With a passion. Just, ew. But since this soup is cooked in a slow cooker for several hours, the tomatoes start to fall apart and become one with the soup. Which makes this soup great for tomato haters. 

I have a 6-Quart Crock Pot and I love love love it! I use it for every slow cooker recipe and love how great it works.

Slow Cooker Black Bean and Lentil Soup | Natural Chow |

At first, I was a little hesitant to try this soup because I wasn’t sure if me or my family would like it. But, guys, my hands have been so full the past few weeks, with school starting up and what not, and getting dinner on the table on time has been a challenge. A BIG challenge. I don’t want to make eating dinner at 8 p.m. a habit.

So I knew I had to give this black bean and lentil soup a shot. And I’m so glad I did. It’s cheap, easy to make, and the best part…you don’t have to stand around in the kitchen for an hour. I can start it at the same time I start lunch (we homeschool), and it’ll be done by 5 p.m. 

Slow Cooker Black Bean and Lentil Soup | Natural Chow |

This recipe does make 8 servings (or 12 cups), and this might seem like too much for your family to eat in one sitting. But this black bean and lentil soup makes great leftovers and freezes very well, so you can whip it out whenever you need a quick meal.

Here’s the recipe: 

Slow Cooker Black Bean and Lentil Soup
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Yield: 12 cups (8 servings)
  • ½ lb. bag dry lentils
  • ¼ lb. dry black beans
  • 1 medium onion, finely diced
  • 2 large carrots, chopped
  • 1 can organic diced tomatoes
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1½ teaspoons chili powder
  • ½ teaspoon dried parsley
  • 5 cups hot water
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  1. Rinse lentils and black beans. Discard any small pebbles or bad beans. Pour them into the slow cooker. Add the onions, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, cumin, chili powder, parsley, and hot water to your slow cooker.
  2. Place your lid on top, and cook on HIGH for 6 hours. Try not to open your slow cooker or stir the soup.
  3. Remove the lid, and add the salt and pepper to taste. Mash the soup into a thicker mixture if desired. Serve hot. The soup will be very thick, almost like chili. Garnish with sour cream, fresh parsley, or cheddar cheese.

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Slow Cooker Black Bean and Lentil Soup | Natural Chow |

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  1. says

    Now that fall is on its way, I am ready to try hearty meals and explore with Meatless Monday options again. I like black beans but I fail badly with lentils. I will try this step by step. Wish me luck.

  2. says

    Oh, man – what a totally awesome idea! My husband loves black beans, but I haven’t come up with a way to get him to eat lentils yet. I have to try this!

    Visiting from the DIY Sunday Showcase. =)

  3. says

    This recipe sounds great. I don’t have a slow cooker, but I figured out how to use my rice cooker as a slow cooker. Black beans are my daughter’s favorite. Stumbled it!

  4. peapodfamily says

    Tried this recipe this week and loved it. Actually, the same day I made it the soup seemed too bland, but the next day I think the flavors had melded better and it was delicious! We will definitely have this again!

    • says

      I felt the same way when I tried it! The first day I ended up adding more salt and other seasonings to my bowl, but the second day, when we had it for leftovers, it didn’t need any extra seasonings. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with this recipe and I’m glad you liked it! :)


  1. […] Slow Cooker Black Bean and Lentil Soup – Both beans and lentils are a great way to make your grocery bill stretch further, so I saved this recipe to make this winter when we can snuggle in front of a warm fire, and have a bowl with a slice of fresh bread. Yum! […]

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